We all every day chat with friend on social chatting site like facebook,myspace and share our photos,videos every time.We loss our money for it.But we have to Get fun on Chatting site.So we Share our photos videos During chating.After One or two hour ,we can see that we loss our more money for it for downloading and uploading.I think we must chat with our friend and share our photos and videos. but why must we loss money for it.Why cant we Earn money for our photos and videos which we shared .Really we can earn over 50$ per month per one photo sharing site.Some photo sharing site give 0.25$ -Per for every 1000 views.1000 views can get one hour if you upload nice pictures or videos. Some photo sharing sites give you 0.25$ to 28$ per download.Nice job.Really you can earn money during your chat with your friend.Today you can earn you one dollar in 10 minutes.Join to earn money. .
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